شركات تصميم design companies
منزليManzilli Design Studio
4th Floor, KBT Tower, Sharq, Kuwait,Kuwait City
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In an attempt to make aspirations a reality and your future house a home, Manzilli has been born to take charge of building your dream home and transforming your visions and thoughts into tangible elements of reality, we will support your choices while offering the best possible solutions making In an attempt to make aspirations a reality and your future house a home, Manzilli has been born to take charge of building your dream home and transforming your visions and thoughts into tangible elements of reality, we will support your choices while offering the best possible solutions making
مشموم ديزاينMashmoom Design
Suncity, Shuwaikh Industrial 1, Shuwaikh Industrial
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موارد فيت اوتMawared limited for building material and trading company WLL
+965 25733265 ٢٥٧٣٣٢٦٥ ٩٦٥+
Hamad Al-Mubarak street, Jothen Building
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We are suppliers and distributors of a wide range of interior and exterior fit out high end products. Some of these products have been specified and used in major high end projects throughout the Middle East for more than 40 years, and other new products introduced to market. We are focused on catering to the innovative needs of wood workers consultants, interior designers, and contractors. The company success is driven by its experienced shareholders in both technical and business fields delivering results the right way by operating responsibly and executing in excellence.We are suppliers and distributors of a wide range of interior and exterior fit out high end products. Some of these products have been specified and used in major high end projects throughout the Middle East for more than 40 years, and other new products introduced to market. We are focused on catering to the innovative needs of wood workers consultants, interior designers, and contractors. The company success is driven by its experienced shareholders in both technical and business fields delivering results the right way by operating responsibly and executing in excellence.
ام دي ديزاين للاستشارات الهندسيةMD DESIGN CONSULTANT
Space Tower, murqab, abdulaziz alsaqer street, 5th floor, office 2
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ام دي ديزاين متخصصون في التصميمات الداخلية والمعمارية منذ عام 2009. هدفنا هو تعزيز تفاعل الناس وخبراتهم في الأماكن التي يقضون فيها اوقاتهم. ويشمل ذلك المساحات السكنية والتجارية والشركات.MD DESIGN has been specializing in interior and architectural designs since 2009. Our goal is to enhance people's interaction and experience in spaces where they spend most of their time in. This includes residential, commercial, and corporate spaces.
شركة البيت النازكNazzek house company
Kuwait city, Qibla area
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اثث اون لاين و صمم مساحتك بسهولةFurnish online and design your space easily
November CompanyNovember Company
Kipco tower in Sharq,Mayar Complex Shuwaikh
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The November Company is a complete lifestyle brand specializing in the fine arts of gift giving, crafting delicious foods and desserts, and creating thoughtfully beautiful experiences. Each retail location offers a uniquely styled environment to our visitors, designed with a modern contemporary approach,with a few eclectic touches that represent our unique personality. We aim to offer all our visitors a dose of inspiration and a dash of warmth by celebrating creativity and a sense of luxurious whimsy at every turn.The November Company is a complete lifestyle brand specializing in the fine arts of gift giving, crafting delicious foods and desserts, and creating thoughtfully beautiful experiences. Each retail location offers a uniquely styled environment to our visitors, designed with a modern contemporary approach,with a few eclectic touches that represent our unique personality. We aim to offer all our visitors a dose of inspiration and a dash of warmth by celebrating creativity and a sense of luxurious whimsy at every turn.
أوبتمس ديزاينزOptimus Designs
Contact Partner for details
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Optimus Designs هي شركة تصميم متعددة التخصصات تستهدف الإبداع بكل أشكاله ، بدءًا من تصميم قطعة واحدة إلى المساحة ككل. تشمل خدماتنا المتنوعة التصميم الداخلي كتصميم المكاتب والمحلات التجارية ، التصميم السكني ، التصميم الجرافيكي ، وتصميم الحدائق والأثاث. قائمة عملائنا تضم الشركات العالمية والمطاعم والمكاتب الصغيرة بالاضافة الى الأفراد الذين يبحثون عن أثاث حسب الطلب. Funkyture Designs هي علامة تجارية فرعية متخصصة في تصميم و تصنيع الأثاث محليا و تتمتع بأسلوبها الفريد وطابعها المتنوع والذي يمكن القطعة باستيعاب جميع متطلبات المساحة واحتياجات العميل. هدفنا هو مساعدتك في تصميم حياتك. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف ، نبدأ عملنا بفهم شامل لاحتياجات عملائنا، ونجمع هذه الاحتياجات والافكار مع خبراتنا في التصميم لتحويل هذه الافكار إلى حقيقة و نكون الشريك المناسب في تصميم حياتك.Optimus is a multi-disciplinary design company targeting creativity in every form, from designing a single piece to the space as a whole. Our diverse service offering includes corporate and commercial office space design, interior design, residential , graphic design, landscape, and furniture design. Our portfolio of clients range from multinational corporations and restaurants to small office designs and individuals seeking custom made furniture. Funkyture designs is a subsidiary brand specializing in custom furniture 100% locally made known for its unique style and versatile nature allowing the piece to accommodate all the requirements of the space and the client needs. Our goal is to help you Design your life. To reach that goal, all our work involves totally understanding our clients’ needs and together we combine your ideas and our imagination and design expertise to change a concept to a reality and ensure that we help you design your life.
المكتب العربيPace for Architecture & Engineering
30th floor, Baitak tower, Abdulla al Salem st. Kuwait city
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بنسل دزاينPencil Dezign
+965 22419882٢٢٤١٩٨٨٢ ٩٦٥+
City of Kuwait, Sharq, Khalid bin Alwaleed street, Almadina Tower, Floor 8, Office No. 2
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our objective We strive as a team within Pencil Dezign Est., led by citizens young men from this country to educate people in this community and increase their culture in architecture, which is one of the most important landmarks in the world on this planet, as a team specialist will strive through customer service by providing information and architectural designs for the project based on the basis of universal access to the best results.our objective We strive as a team within Pencil Dezign Est., led by citizens young men from this country to educate people in this community and increase their culture in architecture, which is one of the most important landmarks in the world on this planet, as a team specialist will strive through customer service by providing information and architectural designs for the project based on the basis of universal access to the best results.
برايم ديزاين استوديوPrime Design Studio
kuwait city, salam tower
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نقوم بعمل تصاميم داخلية و معمارية و تصاميم للواجهات كما نقوم بالإشراف على التصميم الداخلي خلال عملية التنفيذنقوم بعمل تصاميم داخلية و معمارية و تصاميم للواجهات كما نقوم بالإشراف على التصميم الداخلي خلال عملية التنفيذ